By - Sandi Webster

Beyond Numbers: How Company Culture Can Influence Your Business’ Sale Price

Whenever the business valuation topic surfaces, the usual suspects—financial statements, assets, and growth metrics—come to the fore. But there’s a less quantifiable yet powerful element intertwined within these metrics: the company culture. This essence, often overlooked, can drastically sway your business’s value. Let’s journey beyond the figures to understand the intricate dance between culture and valuation.

By - Sandi Webster

Legalities Unveiled: Navigating the Legal Landscape of Advisory Boards

The governance and operation of advisory boards stand at the intersection of strategy, leadership, and legality. The legal aspects, while not always the first thing that comes to mind when considering advisory boards, form a foundational pillar that governs their establishment, functioning, and even dissolution.

By - Sandi Webster

Revolutionize Your Boardroom! Finding the Right Fractional Board Members for Your Company

You need expert advice but can’t justify the cost of a full-time board member. Enter the world of fractional board members. These are highly skilled professionals who offer their expertise to multiple companies, often on a part-time basis.

By - Sandi Webster

Breaking the Glass Ceiling: The Role of Women on Advisory Boards

An advisory board is a group of external experts and professionals who provide guidance, advice, and support to a company’s leadership team. These boards can drive strategic direction, offer insights into industry trends, and ensure sound corporate governance.

By - Sandi Webster

Why Advisory Boards Fail: Poor Communication

Effective communication is crucial for success in any business venture, but it’s especially important for advisory boards. When communication breaks down, it can lead to misunderstandings, missed opportunities, and ultimately, failure. Unfortunately, poor communication is a common problem on many advisory boards. By identifying communication challenges and implementing strategies to overcome them, board members can work together more effectively and achieve their goals.

Five Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became A CEO An Interview With Doug Noll
By - Sandi Webster

Five Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became A CEO

Dr. Sandi Webster is a serial entrepreneur, author, speaker, and mentor who helps business owners select handpicked experts for their personal and business advisory boards. She focuses on sharing the knowledge accumulated from her experiences with entrepreneurs and corporate executives through her online courses and speaking with the outcome that they will operationalize their companies to get stuff off their plates.