By - Sandi Webster

In the Business Trenches: Navigating Legal Considerations When Selecting Your Partner

Selecting a business partner is akin to choosing a companion for a challenging journey, with the partnership’s success hinging on many factors. The repercussions of overlooking legal aspects can be severe, making navigating the business trenches with due diligence and strategic foresight imperative.

By - Sandi Webster

Beyond Numbers: How Company Culture Can Influence Your Business’ Sale Price

Whenever the business valuation topic surfaces, the usual suspects—financial statements, assets, and growth metrics—come to the fore. But there’s a less quantifiable yet powerful element intertwined within these metrics: the company culture. This essence, often overlooked, can drastically sway your business’s value. Let’s journey beyond the figures to understand the intricate dance between culture and valuation.

By - Sandi Webster

Driving Board Excellence: Key Metrics for Evaluating Advisory Board Performance

Advisory boards provide unbiased, third-party insights and recommendations on various strategic issues. However, to fully leverage these valuable resources and ensure they offer the expected strategic value, businesses must have a mechanism to evaluate their performance systematically.

By - Sandi Webster

Why Advisory Boards Fail: Poor Communication

Effective communication is crucial for success in any business venture, but it’s especially important for advisory boards. When communication breaks down, it can lead to misunderstandings, missed opportunities, and ultimately, failure. Unfortunately, poor communication is a common problem on many advisory boards. By identifying communication challenges and implementing strategies to overcome them, board members can work together more effectively and achieve their goals.

By - Sandi Webster

A Book is Your Business Card

In 2009, my business partner and I wrote our book because we were on the speaking circuit as successful business owners. We got asked the same questions all the time, and frankly, it became boring as our responses became canned. It was an Uh Ah moment for us. Many business owners were becoming authors for this reason – it’s a

The difference between a mentor and a sponsor
By - Sandi Webster

The Difference Between A Mentor and a Sponsor

  A common misconception small business owners have is the difference between having a sponsor and a mentor.  There will be the make-or-break business decision that calls for the guidance of a mentor and the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that calls for a sponsor to recommend you.   As a small business owner, you need more than a mentor;   you also need a

Dream Team
By - Sandi Webster

Forming an Advisory Board: Finding the Dream Team Experts to Sit at Your Table

Why did I form an advisory board for my company? It’s not a complicated reason – I wanted help from a particular group of experts, my dream team, and couldn’t afford to pay them!      My business partner and I had some of the same skills and other skills were complimentary. We knew we were not experts in certain