By - Sandi Webster

Beyond Numbers: How Company Culture Can Influence Your Business’ Sale Price

Whenever the business valuation topic surfaces, the usual suspects—financial statements, assets, and growth metrics—come to the fore. But there’s a less quantifiable yet powerful element intertwined within these metrics: the company culture. This essence, often overlooked, can drastically sway your business’s value. Let’s journey beyond the figures to understand the intricate dance between culture and valuation.

By - Sandi Webster

Driving Board Excellence: Key Metrics for Evaluating Advisory Board Performance

Advisory boards provide unbiased, third-party insights and recommendations on various strategic issues. However, to fully leverage these valuable resources and ensure they offer the expected strategic value, businesses must have a mechanism to evaluate their performance systematically.

By - Sandi Webster

Hiring Top Sales People

Your sales team is at the heart of your small business. A great sales team can increase revenues, keep current clients satisfied, and bring in new customers, but your business can stagnate and suffer without the right salespeople. When looking to hire the best sales team for your business, there isn’t much room to improvise on the recruiting process. Hiring