By - Sandi Webster

Legalities Unveiled: Navigating the Legal Landscape of Advisory Boards

The governance and operation of advisory boards stand at the intersection of strategy, leadership, and legality. The legal aspects, while not always the first thing that comes to mind when considering advisory boards, form a foundational pillar that governs their establishment, functioning, and even dissolution.

By - Sandi Webster

The Building Blocks of a Successful Advisory Board

An advisory board is a group of experienced professionals who provide guidance, expertise, and support to a company. These individuals can offer valuable insights and advice to help a business grow, overcome challenges, and achieve its goals. This article will discuss the essential building blocks of a successful advisory board and explore how these elements can benefit your business. Clear

Five Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became A CEO An Interview With Doug Noll
By - Sandi Webster

Five Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became A CEO

Dr. Sandi Webster is a serial entrepreneur, author, speaker, and mentor who helps business owners select handpicked experts for their personal and business advisory boards. She focuses on sharing the knowledge accumulated from her experiences with entrepreneurs and corporate executives through her online courses and speaking with the outcome that they will operationalize their companies to get stuff off their plates.

Why Advisory Boards Fail Due to a Lack of Clear Purpose and Goals
By - Sandi Webster

Why Advisory Boards Fail Due to a Lack of Clear Purpose and Goals

I’ve sat on for-profit and non-profit advisory boards over the years. Some ran like clockwork, while others did not. Typically, the ones not running correctly have one thing in common – they are failing. I’ve deduced that one of the reasons for failure is if the advisory board lacks a clear understanding of its purpose and goals, it may be challenging to provide practical advice to the organization.

By - Sandi Webster

Creating the Seats at Your Table!

What the company does?   Sandi Webster LLC coaches small business owners to form advisory boards that help scale their businesses with a focus on increasing EBITDA towards a successful exit. Business owners learn the difference between a board of directors and an advisory board through an online course or one-on-one coaching. The Current Landscape   In the current pandemic

By - Sandi Webster

Tips for a Great Advisory Board Retreat

Your advisory board members only get together a few times per year.  That’s not enough time for them to get to know each other.  Regular interaction allows them to understand how each other can best contribute to your company.  Having a retreat gives them the time to communicate in a social setting.     Pick a place Select a place

Your Personal Advisory Board Featured Image
By - Sandi Webster

Your Personal Advisory Board

I help business owners create advisory boards – we all know about a company having an advisory board, but do you know that individuals can create a personal advisory board to get them to a particular goal? Yes, you can.  An advisory board is simply a group of people whom you have selected to get you to that goal you’ve

Dream Team
By - Sandi Webster

Forming an Advisory Board: Finding the Dream Team Experts to Sit at Your Table

Why did I form an advisory board for my company? It’s not a complicated reason – I wanted help from a particular group of experts, my dream team, and couldn’t afford to pay them!      My business partner and I had some of the same skills and other skills were complimentary. We knew we were not experts in certain