Why Advisory Boards Fail Due to a Lack of Clear Purpose and Goals
By - Sandi Webster

Why Advisory Boards Fail Due to a Lack of Clear Purpose and Goals

I’ve sat on for-profit and non-profit advisory boards over the years. Some ran like clockwork, while others did not. Typically, the ones not running correctly have one thing in common – they are failing. I’ve deduced that one of the reasons for failure is if the advisory board lacks a clear understanding of its purpose and goals, it may be challenging to provide practical advice to the organization.

By - Sandi Webster

Tips for a Great Advisory Board Retreat

Your advisory board members only get together a few times per year.  That’s not enough time for them to get to know each other.  Regular interaction allows them to understand how each other can best contribute to your company.  Having a retreat gives them the time to communicate in a social setting.     Pick a place Select a place