By - Sandi Webster

Uncovering Unconscious bias

What exactly is unconscious bias? We all have a different understanding of bias, so the definition becomes more confusing when adding “unconscious” to it. Unconscious means the part of the mind which is inaccessible to the conscious mind but which affects behavior and emotions Bias means to cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or

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By - Sandi Webster

Understanding Your Communication Style

Do you know the style of communication you use when speaking to someone? Have you thought about the other person’s style and how you should interact with them? According to Toastmasters International, “communication is a two-way process for reaching mutual understanding through verbal, non-verbal, and written messages. Communication style is defined as the way in which individuals interact with one

By - Sandi Webster

Tips for a Great Advisory Board Retreat

Your advisory board members only get together a few times per year.  That’s not enough time for them to get to know each other.  Regular interaction allows them to understand how each other can best contribute to your company.  Having a retreat gives them the time to communicate in a social setting.     Pick a place Select a place

By - Sandi Webster

Your 2022 Vision Board: Creating Your Future

I used to think vision boards were a waste of time until I took the time to do one! It made a difference to write out what I wanted for the future! I didn’t even have to look five years out – I just needed to get through the current year. A vision board puts your dreams into a graphic

By - Sandi Webster

Four Things Business Owners Can Do Now for a Great End of Year

We are in December! You and your employees, if you have any, are wrapping up the year. They are scrambling to take the rest of their vacation or personal time off so they don’t lose it. The approaching holiday season, and New Year, symbolize the common adage “out with the old and in with the new,” and it also means

Your Personal Advisory Board Featured Image
By - Sandi Webster

Your Personal Advisory Board

I help business owners create advisory boards – we all know about a company having an advisory board, but do you know that individuals can create a personal advisory board to get them to a particular goal? Yes, you can.  An advisory board is simply a group of people whom you have selected to get you to that goal you’ve

The Four Different Types of Boards
By - Sandi Webster

The Four Different Types of Boards

When business owners say, “I would like to form a board!” They usually mean an advisory board. I’m not sure if they know that there are four types of boards. So, how are they different?  Johanne Bouchard is a governance and leadership advisor to boards, CEOs, executives, and entrepreneurs, as well as an expert in board composition and dynamics. I

By - Sandi Webster

Why Your Business Should Have a Social Media Policy

Social media has moved from an emerging form of communication to the mainstream, and as a result, most small businesses use social media within their marketing strategies. Because this is now the primary communication vehicle for small businesses, owners need to put in policies to guide their employees’ online actions.     A social media policy informs employees on the

By - Sandi Webster

Utilizing LinkedIn To Find Potential Clients

Every year LinkedIn is proving to be a top contender when looking to recruit potential candidates.   In my former company, Consultants 2 Go, not only were we using LinkedIn as a recruiting tool, we found it to be strategically helpful when searching for prospective new clients.  In my current company, Sandi Webster LLC, I use LinkedIn to connect to new