Score mentoring hours
By - Sandi Webster

SCORE Retired Executives Make Great Mentors

This reprinted blog was updated in April 2021. SCORE is a nonprofit association of both active and retired executives dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through education and mentorship. Small business owners can browse mentors’ profiles by skills or industry experience or choose to meet a local mentor face to face. When we

Dream Team
By - Sandi Webster

Forming an Advisory Board: Finding the Dream Team Experts to Sit at Your Table

Why did I form an advisory board for my company? It’s not a complicated reason – I wanted help from a particular group of experts, my dream team, and couldn’t afford to pay them!      My business partner and I had some of the same skills and other skills were complimentary. We knew we were not experts in certain

Business Awards
By - Sandi Webster

How to Use Business Awards for Publicity and Public Relations!

I possess a talent for winning awards.  Yes, I’m an “awards junkie.” Is this a talent or a cultivated activity?  I believe it’s a little talent peppered with a lot of cultivated activity.  I have the marketing background to identify the awards that would be best for my company. However, I also deliberately plan what will happen before and after